Sunday school
We hold weekly Sunday school classes after the morning worship service. We currently have one adult’s class and two children’s classes.
Getting Involved
Sunday school
We hold weekly Sunday school classes after the morning worship service. We currently have one adult’s class and two children’s classes.
Growth Groups
Growth Groups is the name we’ve given to the small group ministry here at Grace, because they focus on growing out into the world and together into the Christian life. In these groups we talk about the Christian life, pray for one another, and engage in service to our wider community. These groups are for everyone, from the youngest child to the oldest adult.
Fellowship Meal
We eat a fellowship lunch every Sunday after the morning service. You are very much invited to join us as our guests. And as our guests, please don't feel any pressure to bring food: It is our pleasure to welcome you freely, just as our Lord Jesus Christ has welcomed us.
Fathers and Grandfathers peer-counseling group
Our Fathers and Grandfathers peer-counseling group meets every 3 months. They talk through issues related to parenting and grand-parenting, encourage one another and pray for each other.
Our Sunday morning worship begins at 10:10 am EST every Sunday.
Sermons from previous weeks can be found on the Sermons page.
Women’s Ministry
Our women’s ministry focuses on fellowship among the women, and on service to our congregation. They meet throughout the year for a variety of fun fellowship and service activities.
As is common in the Reformed tradition, our church practices membership, which though it’s a very old practice, is often a new idea to many people .We believe membership is important because it fosters spiritual growth by giving specific direction to Jesus’ command in John 13:34 “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
Rather than picking and choosing which Christians you will love, membership teaches you to love these particular people, who are not always like you and thus not always easy to instinctively love. Membership helps teach us patience, forgiveness, and obedience because it requires us to repent when we sin against each other, forgive when we’re sinned against and practice biblical problem solving. And in terms of loving all Jesus’ sheep, membership loves our children because they learn from your commitment that the faith is important.
There is no pressure to become a member. But if you would like to explore membership further please speak with our pastor.